
Working within the Code

The International Code of marketing of breastmilk substitutes and all the subsequent World Health Assembly resolutions are global agreements designed to protect all babies from unscrupulous marketing and claims about alternatives to breastmilk. Some but not all of the Code and resolutions are written into regulation in the UK, which means that advertising of follow on formula, and advertising to health professionals is permissible.

Everyone working in Unicef UK Baby Friendly Initiative accredited settings however pledges to work within the Code and resolutions, and we are pleased to work in partnership with them to support health professionals in this. We do this through acting as the Secretariat for the Baby Feeding Law Group UK.


The Baby Feeding Law Group UK was founded by Baby Milk Action in 1997 and has been working for over 20 years to strengthen UK baby feeding laws in line with UN recommendations. BFLG-UK has 30 member organisations working together to protect infant, young child and maternal health by ending marketing practices which commercialise infant feeding, mislead consumers and threaten breastfeeding. For information about the Code, UK law and the work of BFLG-UK see


How you can help

We are committed to raising awareness and challenging misleading claims.
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